Generate AI Scripted Podcast
Starts a background job that creates an AI generated script and produces an audio file.
The response contains a job_id
that can be used with the /podcast/{job_id}
to query for status.
Requires a valid X-API-TOKEN
- 429 if the user has too many jobs in flight.
- 422 if provided voice_ids are not unique
- 400 if any voice_ids or music_ids provided are invalid
A request to start a job that generates an audio file for a podcast with a script generated by AI using the provided prompt. An optional list of Voice IDs can be provided to control the audio generation output. If no voice_ids are provided, defaults of up to 2 speakers will be chosen.
The prompt for the episode, can include links
An optional spec for adding background music to the generated script. Note that if the chosenmusic track is longer than the duration of the generated script, it will be cut off.
A list of voice_ids to use for the generated audio. If the script has multiple speakers, we will use the voices from this list in the order then appear in. All ids in this list must be unique. If no IDs are provided, up to 2 defaults will be used.
The job ID for the episode generation. The status of this job can be queried using the/podcast/{job_id}